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THE:Rename Statement (更名聲明)


Time:1900/1/1 0:00:00






鏈游DeFi Kingdoms的Serendale已在Klaytn上運行,將采用新的實用代幣JADE:金色財經報道,鏈游DeFi Kingdoms改造后的 Serendale 正式在專注于元宇宙的區塊鏈網絡 Klaytn 上線。一種新的實用代幣 JADE 將通過原生 DEX 鑄造,并用于 Serendale 中所有與游戲相關的功能。據DappRadar數據,自昨天上線以來,基于 Klaytn 的游戲部分已被超過 4,200 個獨特的錢包訪問。?

此前8月,DeFi Kingdoms宣布將脫離Harmoney加入Klaytn,并在Klaytn網絡上推出其名為Serendale的游戲部分,Crystalvale 仍留在DFK 鏈上。(The Block)[2022/12/9 21:34:21]


Digital Currency Group成立財富管理子公司:金色財經消息,由Barry Silbert于2015年創立的加密貨幣投資公司Digital Currency Group(DCG)已正式推出其備受矚目的財富管理子公司。據其網站稱,該公司名為HQ Digital,將提供私人投資、遺產規劃、風險緩解和保險等服務。它將補充DCG現有的業務,其中包括資產管理公司Grayscale、交易業務Genesis Global和新聞網站CoinDesk。(Theblock)[2022/6/9 23:02:56]





Rename Statement

Starting from September 23rd, 2021, the CESS Distributed Storage Project, which we have been leading and developing for four years, has been officially renamed EDCS Distributed Storage Project. Please inform each other and be sure to know!

Uniswap創始人:歷史將證明Elizabeth Warren針對DeFi的言論是錯誤的:12月15日消息,Uniswap創始人Hayden Adams在社交媒體上發文表示,參議員Elizabeth Warren針對DeFi和Stablecoin的言論簡直是大錯特錯。因為DeFi是Web3的透明金融基礎設施,和傳統Web2時代的企業不一樣,Web3為藝術家、游戲玩家、作家、建設者、記者和其他創作者賦能,也為他們提供了協調、擁有、變現和交換他們直接創造的價值的工具,幫助他們消除對當前互聯網上有害、封閉的生態系統的依賴。

Hayden Adams同時表示,我們目前尚處于早期,所以在邊緣地帶有些粗糙,但DeFi是使以上這一切成為可能的支柱。而那些從封閉生態系統中提取價值的傳統利益團體很樂意看到它失敗。歷史將最終證明,ElizabethWarren今天對Web3和DeFi的誤導性攻擊是錯誤(和失敗)的言論。(Stablecoin)。[2021/12/15 7:41:35]

We are a creative computer R&D team with dreams, and the technical characteristics of blockchain always make us keep up with its development. In view of the fact that the development of global 5G technology is bound to bring explosive growth of data volume, it must be a trend and opportunity to innovate the way of data storage. So, in October 2017, we formally established the CESS Distributed Storage Project, striving for seize the opportunities in the storage field through the exploration and innovation of various technology’s arrangements and combinations. Although the process of the technology development is so uncertain and there were constant problems along the way, we still devote ourselves to solving problems and exploring optimization paths. Finally, it took four years to develop a very satisfactory distributed storage product.

Ren宣布RenVM Greycore上線測試網,為RenVM增加額外的保護層:9月13日消息,去中心化資產跨鏈解決方案Ren宣布,RenVM測試網遷移以支持Greycore,RenVM測試網現在將擁有一個半去中心化的驗證節點集,也稱為Greycore,這是一組由信譽良好的DeFi項目運行的節點,為RenVM增加了額外的保護層。[2021/9/13 23:22:20]

During four years of research and development, we have only participated in a handful of industry seminars. However, even though we are low-key enough, this track is really messy. It is surprising that many CESS Distributed Storage Projects have emerged, making it difficult for users to distinguish the real from the fake, and even peers who have communicated with us before will come to ask us for proof. We are both puzzled and angry. At the same time, we are actively seeking ways to right our name.

動態 | Block.one CEO Brendan Blumer 澄清 John Milburn 并非 Block.one 的合伙人:據 IMEOS 報道,今日在John Milburn 加入ONO 的公告中聲稱,John Milburn 為 Block.one 的合伙人,Brock Pierce 是 Block.one 的創始人之一。

一位社區成員將此事詢問 Block.one CEO Brendan Blumer,Brendan Blumer 通過 IMEOS 向社區回應如下:“Brock Pierce 和 John Milburn 不是 Block.one 的聯合創始人;Brock Pierce 是2017年的業務顧問;John Milburn 從未受雇于 Dan Larimer 或 Block.one 和 EOS.IO 開發團隊。”[2018/8/6]

Therefore, in order to reintroduce all users to us and truly witness the results of 4 years of research and development without the interference of industry’s chaos, we have made big decisions: From September 23st, 2021, CESS Distributed Storage Project, officially renamed as EDCS Distributed Storage Project!

EDCS Distributed Storage Project (Formerly CESS Distributed Storage Project) is to build different communities according to different language environments and user bases around the world. It will now fully support the construction of two language communities, English and Chinese, and carry out the landing exploration of distributed storage.

Meanwhile, the main network of EDCS Distributed Storage Project will enter the testing phase in October 2021. The main network is expected to be officially launched in November 2021. For more information, please follow the information section on the EDCS official website.

Hereby declared!

EDCS Distributed Storage Project Side

(Formerly CESS Distributed Storage Project Side)

Tags:THERENINGANDThe FormsFRENS價格shoppingchainYFarmLand



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