Since its inception, Bitcoin has been hailed by some as a revolutionary technology with the potential to transform the way we conduct transactions using a new financial layer. Recently, a new innovation has emerged that could unlock new possibilities for the Bitcoin network to also function as a cultural layer. Ordinals1, which refer to NFT2-like assets on the Bitcoin network, had their start in December 2022 when Bitcoin developer Casey Rodarmor released the ORD software. Each bitcoin can be subdivided into 100 million smaller units called “satoshis,” and while normally these satoshis are fungible3, ORD assigns numerical values to individual satoshis, allowing for uniqueness. More specifically, ORD, which runs on top of a Bitcoin Core full node, allows users to add arbitrary data to a Bitcoin transaction (“inscription”) and tie the data to an individual satoshi4 (“ordinal”). Ordinals have generated a great deal of attention in the crypto ecosystem, surpassing one million inscriptions on April 8, 2023 (Figure 2), and sparking a conversation about the potential to unlock new possibilities for the Bitcoin network.
Figure 1: Simplified Bitcoin Inscriptions and Ordinals Example
Source: Grayscale Research
灰度:Ordinals代表了比特幣采用的更大機會之一:金色財經報道,灰度在其官網上發文談BTC Ordinals,文章稱,Ordinals有效地在比特幣網絡上創建了一個NFT,雖然有些人批評Ordinals,警告不要讓區塊鏈膨脹或損害可替代性,但我們認為Ordinals代表了比特幣采用的更大機會之一,尤其是在比特幣網絡歷來被視為剛性區塊鏈生態系統的情況下。我們認為Ordinals在兩個關鍵方面對比特幣網絡有積極影響:1.導致比特幣礦工費用增加,2.可能促進比特幣社區內的文化轉型。??
此外,與 ERC721不同,Ordinals由于其不可變的性質、缺乏可編程性和強制性的鏈上銘文要求,呈現了不可替代數字資產的直接表現。盡管以太坊NFT擁有更強的可編程性,并且目前在數量和受歡迎程度方面主導著NFT市場,但對于那些在最成熟的可用區塊鏈上尋求直接、稀缺數字資產的人來說,Ordinal可能是一個有吸引力的選擇。[2023/4/30 14:35:41]
This process effectively creates a Non-Fungible Token (“NFT”) on the Bitcoin network. While some are critical of ordinals, cautioning against bloating the blockchain or harming fungibility, we believe that ordinals represent one of the larger opportunities for Bitcoin adoption, especially as the Bitcoin network has historically been viewed as a rigid blockchain ecosystem.
Figure 2: Ordinals Count
Source: Dune, @dgtl_assets, as of 4/21/2023
Despite their recent popularity, ordinals are not the first instance of NFTs on the Bitcoin blockchain. Renowned Bitcoin NFT projects, such as Rare Pepe Cards (Figure 3), employed a Layer 25 network known as Counterparty, which was established in 2014. However, Counterparty’s Layer 2 infrastructure was criticized for being complicated, which left room for other approaches to take hold. While the Counterparty network may seem less relevant today, it still represents one of the first instances in crypto’s history where users created and traded unique digital assets – and arguably could have spurred the mass excitement around NFTs, more broadly.
灰度:由于DeFi的復雜性和資產支持代幣的擴散,ETHW分叉將面臨重大挑戰:金色財經報道,Grayscale Research在其官網上討論了以太坊可能向權益證明的過度,并將理論上的工作量證明ETHW鏈與ETC進行了比較。Grayscale總結稱,由于 DeFi 的復雜性和資產支持代幣的擴散,ETHW 分叉將面臨重大挑戰。雖然預計成功的機會很低,但礦工和交易所已經出現了對 PoW 分叉的一些支持。到目前為止,對 ETHW 代幣的投機導致價格自推出以來穩步下跌超過 50%,而 ETC 的價格上漲了約 9%。
除了對 ETHW 代幣的興趣下降之外,主要的以太坊協議和參與者,例如 Tether 和 Circle,已經表示支持將 ETH PoS 作為規范鏈。這是一個重要的支持跡象,因為這兩家公司負責近 1200億美元的交易。鏈上資產支持的代幣。如果協議發現代幣持有者確實希望在以太坊的 PoW 變體上對協議進行變體,他們很可能會偏愛 ETC,而不是在 ETHW 上復制的鏈上生態系統的復雜性中導航。[2022/8/16 12:28:40]
Figure 3: Rare Pepe Card on Counterparty Network
Source: Rare Pepes
Ordinals stand out among Bitcoin NFT endeavors due to their independence from Layer 2 solutions. Rather than relying on such solutions, ordinals capitalize on previous Bitcoin network enhancements, such as SegWit (conducted in 2017, and increased Bitcoin block size limit to 4MB) and Taproot (conducted in 2021, and added more complex scripting in the witness6 section of the transaction). Ultimately, ordinals enable data to be directly embedded within the witness segment of a Bitcoin transaction. Ordinals can be composed of almost any type of data, ranging from pictures to videos to applications (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Example of a Bitcoin Ordinal
此外,比特幣主流的采用已經到來,擁有比特幣的美國人已經從2020年的23%增加到2021年的26%,2020這個群體中超過一半(59%)的人選擇通過以下方式進行投資,加密貨幣交易應用程序,如eToro或Coinbase,這意味著去年,超過四分之三的投資者(77%)傾向于使用比特幣交易軟件,這是一個范式的轉變。[2022/1/30 9:22:50]
Source: Doom Clone NFT
As the use of ordinals deviates from the conventional peer-to-peer electronic cash system, numerous criticisms have arisen from those who disapprove of them. Generally, these criticisms can be summarized as follows:
Straying from Bitcoin’s initially conceived purpose: Utilizing the Bitcoin network to store arbitrary data contradicts the primary objective outlined in Satoshi’s 2013 whitepaper, which is for Bitcoin to serve as a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system.“
Blockchain bloat: Embedding additional data into the blockchain increases its size, making it more challenging to download and some argue that ordinals clutter the blockchain with extraneous information.
Compromises fungibility: If a substantial number of satoshis are inscribed, Bitcoin’s fungibility will diminish, potentially affecting its primary use case as electronic currency.
灰度:元宇宙仍在興起,許多關鍵組件已“初具規模”:12月19日消息,加密貨幣信托基金灰度在推特發文稱,它們推出了一篇《元宇宙》報告,文中,灰度認為“加密云經濟”是下一個新興市場投資前沿,以及,元宇宙處于 Web 3.0 互聯網發展的前沿。元宇宙是一組相互關聯的體驗式 3D 虛擬世界,位于任何地方的人們都可以在其中進行實時社交,從而形成跨越數字和物理世界的持久的、用戶所有的互聯網經濟。元宇宙仍在興起,但許多關鍵組件已經初具規模,并正在徹底改變從電子商務到媒體和娛樂,甚至房地產的方方面面。[2021/12/20 7:49:48]
The concerns are valid: the original Bitcoin whitepaper does not account for unique digital assets, extra data contributing to blockchain bloat, nor inscriptions that could reduce fungibility. Still, ordinals are, in fact, a byproduct of utilizing the Bitcoin blockchain as it exists today and the subsequent crypto innovations that have come since, even if not initially envisioned by Bitcoin’s creator. And—while the inscription of satoshis does decrease fungibility—it is estimated that it would take around 238 years7 to mint ~.24% of total terminal BTC supply.
We believe that ordinals are positive for the Bitcoin network in two key ways: resulting in an increase of Bitcoin miner fees, and potentially contributing to a cultural transformation within the Bitcoin community.
One of the largest open issues related to Bitcoin’s economic model is the security budget, which is the concern that once all new tokens have been mined, miner rewards derived from transaction activity may eventually prove insufficient to motivate miners to maintain an adequate hash rate for securing the network. The advent of ordinals has led to an increase in total fees paid to miners (Figure 5), which could potentially establish a sustainable baseline level of transaction fees to incentivize miners, thereby ensuring continued network security throughout the lifetime of the Bitcoin network.
聲音 | 灰度:2019年第一季度對沖基金對加密資產的投資激增:據dailyhodl報道,美國數字資產管理公司灰度(Grayscale)的銷售和業務開發總監Rayhaneh Sharif-Askary接受采訪時表示,越來越多的機構投資者正在進入加密領域。根據該公司的一份報告,灰度的產品流入同比增長42%,籌集金額從2018年第四季度的3010萬美元增至2019年第一季度的4270萬美元。報告還顯示,對沖基金對比特幣和其他加密資產的投資大幅增加。2019年第一季度投資總額達到2400萬美元,較2018年第四季度的不足100萬美元增長了2300%。[2019/6/14]
Figure 5: Bitcoin Total Fees
Source: Glassnode, as of 4/21/2023. For illustrative purposes only.
Bitcoin-the largest digital asset by market cap and mainstream awareness-has been criticized by some crypto insiders and developers as a relatively stagnant community and blockchain. Based on the velocity of NFT adoption witnessed on other chains, such as Ethereum, we believe that ordinals have the potential to attract new users who may not have previously considered using Bitcoin. We believe the emergence of ordinals is likely to promote a development-oriented community and culture in support of the Bitcoin network.
Since its inception in 2017, the ERC721 standard has been adopted by some of the most well-known NFT collections on Ethereum. While other blockchains use their own standards, it is a natural reference point to compare Bitcoin Ordinals to Ethereum’s ERC721, considering Ethereum NFTs account for nearly 90% of the total NFT market share. Ordinals exhibit several notable distinctions in comparison.
Ultimately, ordinals present a straightforward manifestation of non-fungible digital assets due to their immutable nature, absence of programmability, and mandatory on-chain inscription requirements, as opposed to ERC721s. Although Ethereum NFTs boast greater programmability and currently dominate the NFT market in terms of volume and popularity, ordinals could be an appealing alternative for those seeking a straightforward, scarcer digital asset on the most established blockchain available.
Although ordinals are a recent development, they have already amassed over one million inscriptions within a mere four months, even during a bear market. This unexpected surge in popularity may indicate a shift in the broader perception of Bitcoin, despite its reputation as an ossified blockchain. While legitimate concerns exist, we believe that ordinals have the potential to positively impact the Bitcoin network in the longer-term, attracting a new wave of enthusiastic users and developers to embrace the Bitcoin community.
“Ordinals” refers to a numbering scheme for satoshis that allows tracking and transferring individual satoshis.
A non-fungible token is a unique digital identifier that is recorded on a blockchain, and is used to certify ownership and authenticity.
Fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are essentially interchangeable, and each of whose parts are indistinguishable from any other part.
The smallest unit of bitcoin; there are 100 million satoshis in one bitcoin.
Layer 2 blockchain solutions are protocols designed to function atop a Layer 1 blockchain (such as Bitcoin or Ethereum) with the aim of enhancing scalability, privacy, and other attributes of the foundational blockchain.
The witness segment within a Bitcoin transaction is responsible for housing transaction signatures. This information can be converted into accessible content-hujt for any Bitcoin node utilizing the ORD software.
500 million inscriptions assuming around 10,000 satoshis per inscription, which equates to approximately 50,000 BTC inscribed or 0.24% of the total terminal supply of 21 million.
Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) 721 is a data standard for creating non fungible tokens, meaning each token is unique and cannot be divided or directly exchanged for another ERC-721 token. The ERC-721 standard allows creators to issue unique crypto assets like NFTs via smart contracts.
The InterPlanetary File System is a protocol, hypermedia and file sharing peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.
金色財經 善歐巴
Tags:THEIONBITOINFable Of The DragonDisCas VisionAMBIT幣LeForte Coin
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